That’s an alarming statistic. Friday, June 1 was a chance for our county to step up and say we’re not okay with it.
June 1 was Hunger Awareness Day in SLO County. The Verdin team volunteered at our local Vons store and asking grocery shoppers to join the effort – and we had a great time doing it!
Hunger Awareness Day had a goal of raising $100,000 to feed our community. Stay in touch on Verdin’s social media as we’ll soon be announcing the official amount raised!
If you missed Hunger Awareness Day this year, you can still get involved in the cause as a business or individual. Here are two simple but powerful ways:
1. Donate
When you donate online, you can select a specific campaign or choose “General Donation” and let the Food Bank find the best fit for your contribution. The put 94 cents of every dollar donated toward buying nutritious food for our community, and they’re able to make those 94 cents go a long way.
On Hunger Awareness Day, we asked community members to donate just $1 each. It added up quickly as thousands joined the cause. These proceeds will go a long way in feeding the people in our community who don’t have enough food.
2. Secure a volunteer slot
Sign up your business, organization or club to volunteer for just a few hours! The Food Bank relies on volunteers in the warehouse as well as at events, from programs like their monthly Children’s Farmers Markets to annual events like Hunger Awareness Day.
Visit for more details about Hunger Awareness Day. Verdin hopes to participate again next year, and we’d love for you to join us!