More than 80% of a child’s brain development is complete by age 3.
A fact like this demonstrates how important it is to promote and support early literacy and language development. We’re lucky in California to have a statewide organization called “First 5” that helps communities pay attention to children and families during their earliest years. SLO County has its own local First 5 that funds and advocates for many early childhood services and programs, including the recently launched Talk.Read.Sing.® campaign.
Research shows the words a parent or caregiver speaks, reads, or sings with a child – as well as the relationship that develops during this critical back-and-forth communication – contribute heavily to early vocabulary and brain development.
Whether you’re a parent, caregiver or medical provider, the First 5 website has many resources for you, including simple strategies, helpful tips and news on upcoming events (like Talk.Read.Sing.® Night at the July 9th Blues Baseball game!). Visit and like First 5 SLO County on Facebook to learn more.
Additionally, if you’re an organization in our community that wants to join the Talk.Read.Sing.® movement, contact First 5 at to find out how you can help create a culture of Talk.Read.Sing.® in SLO County.