In Arroyo Grande, those who wander are definitely not lost. They are explorers setting out on a new adventure. They are families, friends, couples or even individuals looking to set their own itinerary and enjoy the charms of Arroyo Grande at their own pace.
To capture the essence of Visit Arroyo Grande’s new campaign, “Wander Here,” the Verdin team conducted three outdoor photo shoots highlighting some of Arroyo Grande’s most popular experiences: hiking, biking and windsurfing. These activities are, of course, all great forms of exercise, but they’re also opportunities to unwind and recharge while enjoying the area’s natural beauty.
The campaign balances the thrill of getting your heart rate up with the comfort of feeding your soul with natural wonders. While watching the wind surfing video, you can practically feel the breeze against your face and the board under your feet. Similarly, the biking and hiking videos conjure up the sensation of sunshine on your back and the excitement of blazing a new trail.
At Verdin, we know that a campaign has to connect emotionally with its audience to be successful. “Wander Here” accomplishes this by eliciting the literal and emotional feelings experienced when visiting Arroyo Grande—and people are noticing. According to performance results, it’s the most successful campaign Visit Arroyo Grande has had this year.
We’ll continue to leverage that success soon by adding another form of wandering to the group: shopping. For those who are less active, or looking for something to do after the adventure is over, Arroyo Grande is the ideal place to enjoy boutique shopping or a relaxing meal at a local restaurant. You could also say it this way: Arroyo Grande, charming capital of leisure and adventure.