Besides spending my time as an intern for Verdin, I also serve as Mustang Media Group’s public relations assistant.
For those who don’t know, Mustang Media Group (MMG) is the umbrella organization that encompasses all of the student led media groups within the Cal Poly Journalism Department. This includes: KCPR, Mustang News, Mustang News Television, Mustang News Business, and Central Coast PRspectives. There’s probably fifty different things going on in our small building at all times, and with great reward. If you were to step into our newsroom you would see the walls full of various awards.
Accompanying the MMG team, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) and College Media Business and Advertising Managers (CMBAM) Midwinter National College Journalism Convention in La Jolla, California! This conference is not only a great opportunity to learn from and connect with other collegiate media organizations, but also for the MMG staff to be recognized for their hard work.
Last weekend MMG took home 45 national media awards including Best Four-year Weekly Newspaper, Best Four-year Website, and Second Best College Media PR/Marketing Program.
As graduation inches closer and closer, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be working with such dedicated people. For students interested in student media, Cal Poly Journalism is, in my opinion, the best place to be.
Between the real-world exposure working for MMG and Verdin I have learned so much, but if I could pass on any advice it would be to take chances. Each opportunity I’ve gotten came from following a whim. If I never answered an ad or took a business card I wouldn’t be where I am—and I really like where I am. Follow what feels right.