Verdin has the best clients. Why?
Because they let us unleash our creativity, they’re willing to take risks, and they trust us with their reputations. Those are qualities we don’t take lightly.
It’s days like yesterday that remind us just how awesome our clients are. Our President Mary Verdin and Operations Manager Michelle Starnes attended an awards banquet for the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Image Awards, at which we were honored to receive five awards for recent client projects.
Campaign of the Year Award of Excellence for our work with UCSB in the “Keep Isla Vista Safe” social media campaign. The goal of this campaign was to reduce attendance at a massive student-organized party known as Deltopia. Even at its peak, the crowd that showed up to Deltopia 2015 was only 40% of the number that came in 2014.
Award of Excellence for the Verdin 24-Hour Give. Our annual 24-Hour Give event is a tag-team with awesome community partners in which we give a full overnight rebrand to a deserving organization for free. This past November, we rebranded local nonprofit Literacy for Life.
Award of Merit for a social media advertising campaign for the Morro Bay Tourism Bureau. We used social media platforms to target new audiences that weren’t being successfully reached by traditional advertising. We saw a 336% increase in website referrals from social media, and Morro Bay saw a 14% increase in TOT year over year during the campaign.
Campaign of the Year Award of Merit for the Think H20 water conservation campaign with the cities of Arroyo Grande and Pismo Beach. This campaign educated residents about the role of water conservation in securing a reliable and long-term water supply. As a result, in July 2015 Arroyo Grande reported a 41% reduction in water usage and Pismo Beach reported a 29% reduction in water usage, which far surpassed their given mandates.
Award of Merit for our new Verdin website. Our upgraded site launched in September 2015 as part of our agency-wide rebrand.